Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance (BICG) invites to attend an introductory course to the fundamental principles of good corporate governance, outlining the first steps for their implementation in practice and the value each participant can create by following them.
To be held for the first time in 2025, the new course is designed as the opening program for beginners, who do not yet have a significant working experience in the area of corporate governance but wish to learn more (owners, board members and top managers of smaller and newly created companies, including start-ups, as well as mid-level managers in large companies, etc.).
Focusing on the key principles of good corporate governance and how they are applied in practice across the Baltics and elsewhere, the program discusses corporate governance framework and models as well as the value that can be created by effective boards, etc.
Time | September 11-12, 2025
Place | Vilnius, Lithuania
For the full information about the program, please see >> DETAILS (EN).
Rytis Ambrazevičius
Mob. +370 698 17011
E-mail rytis[at]bicg.eu
Andris Grafs
Vice President Latvia
Mob. +371 297 84407
E-mail andris[at]bicg.eu
Erik Sakkov
Country Manager Estonia
Mob. +372 502 1638
E-mail erik[at]bicg.eu